Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Not Giving Up

Last Tuesday was my first training session after getting back from my vacation.  Needless to say I gained a few while on holiday (as do a lot of people) and the week after I wasn't able to burn off the extra kgs I'd gained in time for my session with the personal trainer.  During the weigh in, I'd gained at least 1kg (more even) and it was a expected on my end but nonetheless disappointing.  Especially since I'd been doing well and had lost 2-3kg before that.


Since I'd not been exercising as much for the past couple of weeks, the trainer had me do some basic routines starting off with (the dreaded) low step box (50 reps/4 sets).  Then were squats with the fitball behind me for back support (25 reps/4 sets).  I'm not sure what the next workout is called but basically I had to stand shoulder-width apart with a mat laid out in front of me and as I inhale, I'd bend down and walk my hands forward then backwards up to standing position again as I exhale (25 reps/3-4 sets).  An exercise I did rather quickly (to my and my trainer's surprise) was the one where I had to stand with one feet in front and another stretched to the back and then I had to jump and switch leg positions (25 reps/4 sets).  Next, I was instructed to do crunches with my feet supported by a fitball (25reps/4 sets).  Last but not least, before cooling down, I did the plank and held position for 25 counts (3 sets).


Needless to say I was panting my way through the sets.  My trainer checked my pulse and made sure I had sufficient rest in between sets.  However, I have noticed a better endurance level compared to when I first started out.  My breathing has improved quite a bit but my heart still pounds especially with the step box.  With the squats, I must admit it was a bit of a struggle considering they were still sore from Body Balance class the day before but the fitball definitely helped.  I would have strained my back otherwise.  As for the exercise that followed, I'm still not doing very well with having my stomach above my head level.  Being inverted makes me dizzy and nauseous.  Also, I should've tied my shoes to fit my feet a bit more snug (it was comfortably loose) to keep my feet from moving around in my shoes.  The hop-switch (yes, I don't know what it's called so I'm naming it) I managed to do pretty quickly which was a relief.  Again, since it was a cardio workout, I was short of breath towards my last set and my heart was beating so fast!  My abs were had begun to cram up by the 3rd set and I had to pull every strand of strength I could to get through the rest of the reps for the 3rd and 4th sets.  Right after that was the plank and I was so close to crying.  First set I could only hold for 10 counts.  The subsequent sets I held it together and managed to get through 20-25 reps. At the end of all that, I could barely speak and was lying flat down on the mat regaining my breath and strength to get up. (haha)


  • Always be careful when doing step box exercises. If you can't go as quickly as you'd like, don't rush it. You could slip and sprain your feet.
  • Be aware of your breathing. Check with your trainer on the correct breathing technique for each workout.
  • A fitball makes for excellent support for your workouts especially if you're just beginning and your muscles aren't strong enough to fully support your body weight.
  • Wearing correct shoes for indoor training is very important and makes a lot of difference. Trainers (shoes) are designed specifically with indoor workouts in mind and therefore provides adequate support and cushioning to avoid injuries and make working out more comfortable.
  • Let your trainer know if you need a few extra seconds or a minute longer to rest before continuing with the next sets. You don't want to pass out in the middle of your workout.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Body Balance class

Yesterday I decided to wake up a whole lot earlier and head out to the gym to get a taste of the Body Balance class which started at 7.30am.  My original plan was to be there when the gym opens at 7am and get a half hour treadmill warm up cardio before the class.  I did my best and only got to the gym with enough time to do only 5 minutes of treadmill.

Anyways, the instructor was very attentive and nice.  She noticed that it was my first time to her class and told me to take it easy and work at my own pace.  I liked the fact that she was very encouraging and not at all pushy like an instructor or two that I've had in the past when I tried yoga and pilates.  Her instructions were very clear and she'd even briefed on some of the things about the class like it was a mirror image class whereby when she goes left, we go in the same direction (i.e. our right if she's facing us or left as well when she faces the mirror).

Honestly, I was already considering taking off and leaving half way through the class but persuaded myself to stick with it all the way til the end of the session.  I'm very proud that I did my best and finished the full 1 hour.


I haven't done any form of yoga or pilates in maybe 2 years or more and naturally my body has lost some of it's flexibility (and strength).  If you've never tried these types of exercises, it may not look like much and you probably wouldn't expect it to challenge your muscles or make you sweat.  After all, it's just a bunch of slow movements and poses, right?  Let me tell you, if you haven't tried it, give it a go and it'll totally change your perception of the exercise.

Anyways, before I get way off track from my post, there were times when my thigh muscles were practically shaking (more like strongly vibrating) while in warrior pose.  My shoulder and arm muscles were unable to keep my hands up shoulder level.  I continued to do my best to keep up and put my arms down for a few seconds and tried again.  My core and thighs were also experiencing fatigue during some of the exercises.  And yes, I was sweating a lot.


Now, the day after, I definitely feel some muscle aches.  Especially my thigh muscles.  My shoulder and lower back muscles are also being awaken. Haha. I think my arms aren't feeling it too bad because I've been doing a lot of arm workouts/weights so far. But generally my body does feel tired. Pretty sure with time, as my body gets stronger and gains more flexibility, the exercises will be that much more fun.


  • If you're a beginner, don't worry about not being able to perform the poses completely.  There are beginner options for the poses.  Your muscles will be less stiff and elongate naturally over time.
  • Give yourself a chance to at least attempt the exercise as much as you can without passing out.  You might surprise yourself and the feeling once you're done is very gratifying.
  • Take note of your breathing and let it flow with the movements.  Keep your core (abs) tight, shoulders open and pay attention to your posture.
  • Don't overexert yourself if your body isn't ready.  It's dangerous and could cause injuries. Listen to your body.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Feel Comfortable at the Gym

When you're working out at the gym, always wear clothes and shoes that are appropriate and comfortable.  Now if you're bigger than a size XL, finding suitable gym attire can be a challenge.  Although I'm a borderline XL (L/XL or XL/2XL depending on the style and cut), finding comfortable clothes wasn't easy at first.

When you start shopping for gym clothes (or general work out clothes), you'll begin to notice that these exercise specific types of clothes usually range from sizes XS to L (certain brands cater up to XL).  I've checked out garments from the obvious makers -- Nike, Adidas, Fila, Puma, Schwarzenbach, Reebok and the likes -- as well as more casual brands and must admit that although I managed to grab a couple of workout pants that fit me, the tops were way too tight (even XL).

Then there's the price factor involved.  Due to the technology put into the material for the garments, the prices aren't very wallet friendly if you're on a tight budget.  For instance, a pair of long gym pants from Nike costs RM179.90 while tops range anywhere from RM80-RM169 (and more).  So you've already spent cash on the gym membership (and for some engaging personal trainers as well), now you'll have to shell out more money for clothes?