Friday, January 7, 2011

Boxing Day

OK so it wasn't exactly boxing day per se (as in not December 26th) but last night's training included some kickboxing exercises.  Needless to say I was very excited.

Warm Up
  • 12 minutes brisk walk (4.5) on the treadmill (Incline: 0%-10%)
  • 60 reps / 2 sets on the step board
  • 100 reps / 1 set of bicep curl & shoulder press
  • 15 reps / 1 set jogging up and down a flight of stairs
  • 10 reps / 1 set walking up and down a flight of stairs
  • 35 reps / 1 set of jumping jacks
  • 15 reps / 2-3 sets of walk-reach-plank-and-back
  • 10-15 minutes of basic kickboxing (jab, punch, hook, uppercut, stance & kneeing)
  • 25 reps / 2 sets of basic crunches

How I Felt

Up til now, I can definitely feel an increase in strength and endurance from how far I'm able to go in my workouts without having to pause and how quickly my muscles recover.  I'm very happy with the progress I've had so far and am excited to keep at it still (which is always a good thing).  I'm still feeling challenged and yes, I still have moments when I am breathless and need a longer rest.  I find that I'm still not doing very well with the stairs routine but I'm positive it'll improve in due time.  Boxing for the first time was exhilarating and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  When my trainer asked me to grip my hand inside the boxing gloves, it felt weird since I couldn't fully clench my fists.  In karate, we used to have our fists fully clenched with our thumbs overlapping the fore and middle fingers so this was a totally different experience.  I felt that it did require a bit more focus on my part to stay quick and alert to his instructions as well as deliver a proper punch.  The whole bouncing around got me pretty tired and I had to pause a few times.

  • The step board exercises are a lot more do-able if you keep at it at your own pace instead of rushing the steps.  It will still be challenging as long as you're not going at it too slowly.  Once you grow stronger, feel free to speed up the steps.  Another reason to not rush the steps is you could potentially miss the step board (or slip) and sprain your ankles.  Paying attention to your breathing is also important.  Swing your arms (as if you were running) while stepping up and down the board for better balance.  I find looking down at my feet helps as well.
  • Always remember to work your abs when doing crunches and not your neck or lower back.  Breathe out during the crunch and breathe in when releasing the muscles.  Again, try to do this at a steady pace. Here I find focusing your eyes on an object on the ceiling helps to keep the right posture for this exercise.
Have you tried kickboxing exercises? Love it or hate it?

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